Peer Review Process

All submitted manuscripts for publication in Ci-STEM Journal of Digital Technologies and Expert Systems will be evaluated by editors. The evaluation will include plagiarism check by using “Turntin or DrillBit Plagiarism” Anti-Plagiarism Software to check the authenticity of the articles, reference accuracy, conformity with focus and scope. Manuscript which is inappropriate with the journal criteria will be rejected promptly without external review. On the other hand, manuscript which has suitable and potential interest to our readership will be sent to reviewers. The manuscripts will be evaluated by 2 (two) qualified peer reviewers. The peer reviewers should examine the manuscript and return it with their recommendation to the editorial boards as soon as possible, usually within 3 weeks. The Editors, then, will discuss and make a decision based on the reviewers’ recommendation from among several possibilities: accepted, need minor revision, major revision, or rejected. The editor has a right to decide which manuscripts submitted to the journal should be published.

All the peer review process will be done through Double-Blind Peer Review process (Reviewer and Authors’ identities remain anonymous). In short, the review process will be done as the following:

  • Author submits the manuscript directly to the Ci-STEM Journal of Digital Technologies and Expert Systems.
  • Editor Evaluation/Desk Review (includes plagiarism check by Turntin or DrillBit, reference accuracy, conformity with focus and scope. Manuscript could be rejected or returned to the review process).
  • There are two reviewers who evaluate each manuscript submitted to the journal.
  • Double-Blind Peer Review process (Reviewer and Authors’ identities remain anonymous)
  • Editor Decision (based on revised article)
  • Proofread
  • Confirmation to the author